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It is both an honour and a privilege to be elected as the Member of Parliament for Sherwood


On my website you can find out about the work I have been doing for the people of Sherwood as well as ways of contacting me. Use the tabs at the top of this page to find out about me, my role and what I'm doing in our community.

If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me by clicking here.

Campaigning for you in Sherwood

  • Wix Facebook page
  • Wix Twitter page

"See me in action discussing issues such as protecting our NHS, the 'Bilsthorpe Incinerator', Concessionary Coal and more by clicking here."

Join my community action team in your area

After some really positive feedback from local residents in Ollerton about a recent community project, clearing local pathways to help residents get around safely, I have decided to carry on working on similar community projects across Sherwood.

If you'd like to help out with completing our projects, or if you have a suggestion as to something I could help with, click this link to let me know:

Hucknall Bin collection update

Since the public sector strikes the Ashfield District Council have let you down on waste management. They planned to leave Hucknall residents with food waste in their homes and not collect grey bins for 4 weeks, whilst we experience nearly 30 degree heat!

 I have had A LOT of complaints from local residents and I've taken them straight to the Council to explain that this simply isn't good enough. As a result of this pressure they have changed their plans and will collect your grey bin THIS THURSDAY 17TH OF JULY instead of waiting another week. 

I hope this makes the situation a little more bearable. If you feel the Council have let you down on this issue, as I do, contact your local Councillor and let them know. You can find their details by going to and clicking the 'Contact Your Councillor' link.

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